Sunday, November 23, 2014

In Poetry: Home

Originally Written by Lee Ivy L. Acevedo

Posted with permission

As I lie on my bed, I remember
the carved wooden door I used to bang
when I’m outrageously mad at someone,
the heavy narra chairs I used to kick
when I tried to tame my lazy brothers,
that long soft sofa I used to sleep in
during those long cold boring afternoons,
that comfortable bed I woke up in
early in the morning,
the big airy house full of noise,
that white house I used to sneak out of,
that is now the most sentimental place
I long to go back to and never leave again.

This poem was featured in a Literary Journal of the Davao Writers Guild. The author was a student in UP Mindanao with a course in Creative Writing.

See more of her poem at

Friday, November 21, 2014

Find answers in your Dreams

Frances Ouano Ponce

Dreams are channels to our subconscious mind. Every repressed emotions and extraordinary insights that hide behind the deepest of ourselves surface through dreams and heightened consciousness.

Several of the greatest inventions, scientific breakthrough and creative masterpieces came out through dreams. Even winning numbers in sweepstakes and charity came out through dreams.

Psychologists say that most of our intellect and creative power are not fully utilized most of the time. We can access those creative powers when we are at our highest consciousness.

The waking mind only uses its power below 10% due to the distractions present around its environment.

The mind can work in its full potential when focused and undisturbed. That is why most of the great men of history will always suggest to free your mind from the distractions once in a while. The mind produces powerful ideas when there is silence.

Sometimes when you are trying to solve a problem or trying to figure out the situation that you are currently in-- it's best to keep yourselves away from the distractions and noises of daily living. Silence creates space in your mind and allows your emotions to surface. Suppressing your emotions through outside distractions can be very detrimental to your health.

Let the river of emotions flow through you but do not let yourself be drowned by it. Set aside your daily agenda and let yourself just relax in this moment.

Meditation and prayer are the source of all blessings in life-- seen and unseen.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Financial Doctors and their importance to the Business Environment

Frances Ouano Ponce

Since the start of the 19th century, business transactions are becoming complex. The concept of
Capitalism has led several businessmen to venture into different kinds of businesses to accumulate wealth.

One the other hand, the rise of the information technology and the world wide web (WWW) has raised the complexities of doing business. Although, information technology and the internet made significant contributions in processing voluminous business transactions we do everyday-- it had also brought with it several security risks and other risks inherent in doing business the automated way.

In the meantime, business executives and stakeholders nowadays make their business decisions based on information provided from the information systems they installed in their businesses. These information are very vital for the success of their organization and businesses.

Due to certain risks (e.g., inherent risks, control risks and information risks) present in a business information system, these stakeholders require and seek the services of qualified professionals who will do the risk assessment and provision of valuable opinion that would help them manage critical decisions.

These professionals are like financial doctors. They are called doctors in a way that they find indications of weaknesses and risks present in an information system. These doctors are very knowledgeable to different business processes from different industries.

Furthermore, they can also provide valuable opinions and possible remedies that could help businesses grow and improve their operations. Businesses cannot grow without the aid of these financial doctors.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Introverts can benefit from the power of the internet

Susan Cain, author of the best-selling
book "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a
World that Can't Stop Talking", has made
a revolutionary book that explores the
hidden treasures of an introvert.
Frances Ouano Ponce

We already know the basic differences between the introverted person or the "cerebral" and the extroverted person or the "socializer". Based from a series of psychological studies, both personalities have pros and cons depending on the situation and timing.

Fortunately for the extroverted type-- they can socialize easily and become more energized when they interact with people. They become depressed and feel low when they are alone.

These characteristics of the extroverted person is totally opposite to the introverted personality. These are the type of people who love solitude. Although they can socialize and interact well with other people, they cannot stay longer in any social gatherings since these events will drain their energies. They re-energize by spending sometime alone doing meditations, reflection, solitary walk and any activities that will provide them peace of mind and without the noise of the outside world.

Obviously, the extroverts are more favored compared to the introverts in today's culture since most people prefer the outgoing, friendly and articulate type. These people can be found from presidents of various large corporations to millionaires who found their own companies and build large organizations.

However, you might notice that the cerebral or the introverted types are the ones who produced great innovations and extraordinary ideas that contributed much to the advancement of our technology. The persons of Albert Einstein and other great scientists are considered as introverts who might describe themselves as shy and awkward during social events.

The founders of Google and Microsoft are both introverts. Most people in the field of information technology are highly introverted who are more inclined to solving complex problems and are able to immerse themselves in complicated processes.

The good news is-- although the introverts have difficulty winning the big crowd-- they can still connect and enhance their relationships with other people through the use of social networking.

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn do not need harsh social interactions. The "cerebrals" can easily interact with other people through chats, instant messages, comments, pictures, and the likes.

When the "cerebrals" are able to touch the lives of other people through the use of social networking as a communication tool-- they can influence greatly the lives of those people.

Introverts or "cerebrals" are basically deep thinkers and are highly-sensitive to the needs of other people.

Thanks to the power of the internet!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

We are all connected

Photo owned by
Frances Ouano Ponce

Whether you are aware of it or not, our lives are interwoven in a fabric. Everything we do affect all the things and people around us including ourselves.

In my own opinion, I believe in the concept of "karma" taught by the Buddha. Karma is basically the effects of a person's actions that determine their fate in this life and the next incarnation.

A young tree that you cut down-- though you think that your act did not affect the environment will eventually lead to flooding and loss of habitat of some animals, insects and birds. If you had not cut it down, it might have a chance to blossom and grow and provide balance to the ecosystem.

Most people are self-centered looking only for their own welfare and benefit. This self-centeredness is one of the causes of human suffering.

Our endless cravings to material things cause not only other living things to suffer but also ourselves. Whether you like it or not, everything you do (whether right or wrong) will affect you because we are all connected in this web of life.

The Longest Yard

The cover picture of the movie "The Longest
Yard". Photo owned by
Frances Ouano Ponce

I just watched an inspiring movie titled "The Longest Yard" this morning. The movie is led by Adam Sandler.

The movie teaches you lot of lessons especially in leadership and teamwork.

Crewe (acted by Adam Sandler) is a good leader. Though he made as his first choice to serve himself by following the orders of the Warden to ensure that his team will lose the game and make way for the guards to have their victory-- he eventually resolved to set aside his own interest and focused for his team's victory.

That decision taught us two lessons about leadership: first is your people looks up to you as a leader and eventually lose motivation once they see that the leader looks only for his own interest; second is true leadership means sacrificing yourself for the benefit of your whole team.

Some organizations and corporations have great leaders who look for the welfare of the Company's stakeholders. These kind of organizations will grow limitless and eventually meet its goals. Company's led by selfish and arrogant leaders cannot grow and meet its goals no matter how much effort they make.

Achievement of goals is a collective effort where all people benefit from achieving those goals. That's true leadership and teamwork.

I found a new way of increasing my earnings in Adsense

Photo owned by
Frances Ouano Ponce

Recently, I searched randomly for any available tools I could use for my Google Adsense. Then I just found this ebook rich with information on how to increase Adsense earnings through my blog.

The title of the book is $100+ per day adsense site authored by Lisa Parmley, owner of the

Well, the book is quite interesting. The author said that generating income is much easier compared to generating traffic. Increasing your earnings is easier once you get enough traffic to your site.

Another good advice she provided is increasing your earnings through proper formatting and positioning of your adsense ad. She emphasized that the quantity of ads posted in your site will not matter. What matters, she said is the format of the ad.

Accordingly, she suggested the box format of Adsense since it increases the earnings capability of the ad. Furthermore, she suggested to position the ad right within your post or any place visible where lot of blog viewers can view the said ad.

Copyright by Frances O. Ponce

Multi-tasking can hurt

Photo owned by
Frances O. Ponce

In today's generation, people tend to do several things at a time to produce more results. We are already in a fast-changing society where multi-tasking is a must.

Are you fond of doing two or several things at a time? Let us say for example you are working for a short report that you will present the next Monday while at the same time watching your favorite Korean Series.

Well, if you think you are productive enough doing that two things at the same time-- you are wrong. Studies show that multi-tasking is counter-productive. In other words, your chances of accomplishing the two tasks will become lower.

Psychologists suggest that one of the reason why multi-tasking is counterproductive is that it makes the person's mind out of focus. Instead of conditioning our mind to accomplish one task at a particular time, we tend to force ourselves to accomplish several tasks at a time.

This practice slows our brain. And another study shows that multi-tasking can even damage our brain functions and can lead to certain psychological disorders.

Studies also show that a mind focusing on one task at a time will work faster than a mind cluttered with several tasks.

Our brains can only focus on a single object. Unfortunately, given the myriad of distractions, piling work, and unending chores that need our immediate attention-- we become out of focused on a single task.

Admittedly, I'm one of those who do a lot of multi-tasking. I have a mental drive to accomplish several tasks in order to produce more results.

How about you?

Copyright by Frances O. Ponce

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Spotify: Good Dose for Music Lovers

The Spotify logo. Photo owned by Spotify. Visit
for more information.

Spotify was introduced here in the Philippines through Globe, one of the largest cellular networks of the country. Globelines offers various plan subscription that include free streaming of Spotify.

Most people, whether introvert or extrovert, love music. Music speaks to our soul and will help us manage our emotions through the day. Music is also good for our health and will help us ease the stresses that daily living is bringing us. The most unique feature of Spotify is that you can customize the music you listen to. There are also a wide variety of selections offered by Spotify depending on your mood, time, and other several factors.

Mindfully listening to the lyrics will also keep our attitudes positive throughout the day. That is why it is very essential that we carefully select those music that portrays positivity. 
Subscription to Spotify costs more or less Php150.00 per month which is quite affordable for most music lovers especially me. 

All Rights Reserved by Frances O. Ponce

Audit Insights: the Vouching Process

One of the required tasks that auditors do in performing audit engagements is vouching. In my definition, vouching is a term used for inspecting the documents. Well as auditors, we need to understand the systems used, the processes and procedures done, the internal controls in place, the business systems, among others.

After being able to understand the processes, we will now identify the controls that the Company used in order to safeguard its assets and to detect fraud and error. We call these controls as attributes of our testing. Once we established our attributes, we will now test the documents supporting the transactions (e.g., inventory movements, cash deposits, etc.) based on the samples selected. 

Well yeah audit is pretty challenging and toxic. But you've got to learn many things when doing an audit especially when you are exposed to different industries ranging from banks to healthcare institutions.

All Rights Reserved by Frances O. Ponce

I'm Starting from the Man in the Mirror

Photo owned by

"If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change."

While listening to Spotify, I happened to listen to a song originally sang by Michael Jackson titled "Man in the Mirror". The song portrays a positive message about the process of changing ourselves-- being the first step in creating positive situations around us.

Most of us when faced with difficulties and challenges in life tend to blame our failures to others and the factors around us. This kind of blaming will rob us out of power-- power to change our lives and rise on the challenges that life has brought us.

If you happen to read the book of Stephen Covey titled "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", you can see that he portrayed the importance of taking charge of our lives. Taking charge means that you are in control of yourself no matter what happens to you and the things around you.

All Rights Reserved Frances O. Ponce

The "Cerebral" vs. the "Socializer"

Frances O. Ponce

Susan Cain's extraordinary book entitled "Quiet: the Power of Introverts in a world that can't stop talking" provides in-depth knowledge and insights for the unassuming introvert who keeps himself out of the spotlight as opposed to the "life of the party" extroverts.

Susan Cain herself is a self-identified introvert. If you happen to see her talks, she is very soft-spoken and has a charming face. She is a corporate lawyer and a psychologist.

On the other hand, the book provided me a mind-shifting insight about myself. Well, if only this book was published during my childhood days-- I should have bought this book and read it many times. This book provides lots of insights about me and the myriad of introverts living in this extroverted world.

All Rights Reserved by Frances O. Ponce
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