Wednesday, November 9, 2011

In Health and Fitness and : Plant Foods Scientifically proven to Enhance the Body's Resistance against Diseases

By: Pearle T. Pagunsan, M.D. and
     Hazel Chua-Pagunsan, M.D.

There are recently discovered plant foods scientifically tested to strengthen the function of the immune system. Let us mention a few:

1. Ganoderma Mushroom

ganoderma mushroom
In the Oriental countries, Ganoderma lucidum has been referred to for centuries as a symbol of success and well being. Referred to as "Marvelous Herb" or "Mushroom of Immortality," ganoderma is widely used as food and tonic medicine. Because of its popularity, modern science conducted experimental studies on its content and beneficial effects on certain diseases. In cancer management, ganoderma is used (1) as supplement; (2) to reduce side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy; (3) to prolong survival and minimize metastasis; (4) to help improve the patient's quality of life; and (5) to help prevent the occurrence and recurrence of cancer growth due to its immunopotentiation property. Ganoderma extracts were found active against HIV. Results of studies in Malaysia showed that Ganoderma lucidum is effective in the treatment of Hepatitis B. It is beneficial against hepatic necrosis and acts as a liver detoxicant and protectant. Other beneficial effects include: reducing blood sugar among diabetics and lowering high blood pressure. Recent reports from the US indicate that ganoderma has good anti-inflammatory properties.

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