Wednesday, November 9, 2011

In Health and Fitness and : Plant Foods Scientifically proven to Enhance the Body's Resistance against Diseases

By: Pearle T. Pagunsan, M.D. and
     Hazel Chua-Pagunsan, M.D.

There are recently discovered plant foods scientifically tested to strengthen the function of the immune system. Let us mention a few:

1. Ganoderma Mushroom

ganoderma mushroom
In the Oriental countries, Ganoderma lucidum has been referred to for centuries as a symbol of success and well being. Referred to as "Marvelous Herb" or "Mushroom of Immortality," ganoderma is widely used as food and tonic medicine. Because of its popularity, modern science conducted experimental studies on its content and beneficial effects on certain diseases. In cancer management, ganoderma is used (1) as supplement; (2) to reduce side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy; (3) to prolong survival and minimize metastasis; (4) to help improve the patient's quality of life; and (5) to help prevent the occurrence and recurrence of cancer growth due to its immunopotentiation property. Ganoderma extracts were found active against HIV. Results of studies in Malaysia showed that Ganoderma lucidum is effective in the treatment of Hepatitis B. It is beneficial against hepatic necrosis and acts as a liver detoxicant and protectant. Other beneficial effects include: reducing blood sugar among diabetics and lowering high blood pressure. Recent reports from the US indicate that ganoderma has good anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Shiitake (Lentinus edodes mycelia)

shiitake mushroom
To most Americans, mushrooms are simply delicious food, but in Asia, mushrooms have been recognized as powerful medicines for thousands of years. Lignins are the active factors after enzymatic breakdown of lentinus edodes. Beneficial effects include: 1) regulation of endocrine function helping in bringing the body into homoestasis; 2) anti-Hepatitis B properties; 3) anti-cancer properties; 4) and an immune booster, known to increase the levels of natural killer cells, our defenses against tumor cells. 

3. Soy Beans

Known as the "magic bean" and "yellow jewel." Although many foods and supplements claim to lower the risk of cancer, soy compounds appear to be the most promising. Extensive research identified an estrogen-like substance called isoflavone found in soy that lowers the risk of breast, lung, and colon cancer; lowers blood cholesterol levels, reduces bone loss after menopause; and enhances defense against diseases. Studies in healthy subjects have shown that soy proteins have lower workload for the filtering structures of the kidneys compared to animal proteins in the form of meat eggs, and dairy products. With patients in renal failure, animal protein is not adequately eliminated. This leads to accumulation of wastes in the blood. The results of the study recommend soy protein-based diet in patients with kidney failure. 

4. Cassia Tora

cassia tora
The Chinese call this plant "bright eyes." This is used in the treatment of several eye ailments including cataracts, conjunctivitis, and glaucoma. Extracts from the seeds of Cassia tora have been discovered by scientists to possess specific anti-tumor properties, cleanse the liver and kidneys, have antibiotic effects, and lower cholesterol levels.

5. Cactus

Most people think of a cactus as a prickly weed that grows in the desert. However, there are many uses for the cactus. The gel inside the thick covering of the plant is a very nutritious food. Studies have shown that cactus has properties that help normalize blood sugar levels, therefore, it has been used to treat non-insulin dependent diabetic patients in certain parts of the world. Experiments have also proven that cactus has properties that can hasten wound healing, decrease inflammation, and enhance the ability of the immune system to respond to invading foreign bodies and abnormal growing cells such as cancer cells.

6. Ji-lin Ginseng

Ji Lin Ginseng
Known throughout the world as the "King of Herbs", ginseng has been used to reduce physical, mental, and emotional stress by increasing oxygen-carrying red blood cells and immune-stimulating white blood cells. Researchers have shown that ginseng is effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and preventing the development of cancer. The root is also used to treat amnesia, anorexia, asthma, cough, diabetes, and high blood pressure. With all these beneficial effects, no wonder ginseng is a highly priced plant both in eastern and western world.

7. Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera)

grape seed extract
This contains proanthocyanidin (OPC), which is known to be a very powerful antioxidant. This bioflavonoid complex was recently discovered to be 20 times more potent than vitamin C and 50 times more potent than vitamin E. These antioxidants provide electrons that neutralize "free radicals," molecules with unpaired electrons, unstable in form and causing damage to cells and deposition of bad cholesterol. Free radicals have the power to cause degenerative and life-threatening diseases. They are produced from normal oxygen metabolism within the body and from exposure to chemicals, environmental pollutants, sunlight, radiation, burns, cigarette smoke, drugs, alcohol, germs, dietary fats, and more. Antioxidants are the ones that trap these reactive molecules. Grape seed extract has been scientifically documented to:

·       Enhance capillary strength and vascular function, which is helpful for the heart, and decrease pre-menstrual syndrome problems, bruising, edema from injury or trauma, varicose veins, leg swelling, and retinopathy. 
·       Enhance immune resistance
·       Increase peripheral circulation and improve vision
·       Reduce adverse allergic and anti-inflammatory responses
·       Reduce skin aging and loss of elasticity

Source: Pagunsan, P., (2003). Caring for the Kidneys. Why do some kidneys fail. Manila, Philippines: Philippine Publishing House.

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