Saturday, October 11, 2014

It is not about your goals, it is about your commitment

Frances O. Ponce

I just recently finished the audiobook entitled "Today Matters" by John Maxwell. The book itself is life-changing and full of wisdom and principles about achieving great success in life.

One very important value portrayed in the book that really kicked my adrenaline is commitment. Commitment is a big thing. John Maxwell emphasizes that true commitment starts after you make a decision to commit. He also added that our commitments are always tested and will determine how tenacious are we in maintaining those commitments.

Our lives today are filled with lots of distractions that will rob us out of focus. Commitment to something requires intense focus, hardwork and determination. Without commitment, our goals are useless. There is no sense of plotting a plan if you don't commit to that plan.

Consider this: everybody wants to lose weight but few discipline themselves to have a healthy diet and have regular exercise; most of the common people want to have their own businesses but only few commit themselves to start one. We do not need everything to be perfect to start committing to our goals. Your success in life is not determined on how good you are in setting goals for yourselves but how committed you are to achieve those goals.

All Rights Reserved Frances O. Ponce

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